The truth about trusting God to lift us up again

Faith is a word we often associate with religion, but it encompasses so much more. It is a guiding light, a deep-seated trust that transcends our circumstances, and a force that can shape the course of our lives in profound ways. As someone dedicated to my own authentic soul path, I see faith not just as a belief in God but also as a belief of the Spirit of God that lives within oneself—a conviction that even in the darkest times, there is a greater purpose calling each of us forward.
In today’s world, many are grappling with immense challenges. The aftermath of natural disasters, the mental toll of polarized politics, and the general state of uncertainty can leave even the strongest of us feeling adrift. Many of us are feeling deeply destabilized. Yet, it is precisely during these moments that faith becomes the foundation we must stand upon.
Faith, at its core, is a holistic act. It’s not just about believing in a higher power; it’s also about trusting in the vision for your life that has been placed in your heart. This faith compels us to step fully into the unique calling each of us has received, even when it feels like the ground beneath us is shifting. It’s about holding steadfast to the belief that there is a divine plan, even when that plan remains hidden from view.
However, embracing faith is not without its challenges. It requires letting go of the past—the traumas, disappointments, and failures that can create a prison around our potential. To move forward, we must forgive—not just others, but also ourselves for the missteps and missed opportunities. This forgiveness is not a one-time act but a continuous practice of releasing the weight that holds us back from becoming who we are meant to be.
So many of us hesitate to fully commit to our vision because we are still entangled in the pain of what didn’t go as planned. But what if I told you that those very setbacks were not a detour but an essential part of your journey? Every loss, every heartbreak, and every disappointment may have been preparing you for the moment you’re in right now. When you forgive the past and step fully into the vision that has been placed in your heart, you create space for the Divine to restore your life in ways that are brighter and fuller than you ever imagined.
But faith isn’t just for those who are currently struggling. For those of you who have not encountered significant loss but feel called to support those who have, this moment is an invitation to lean into faith in your life purpose. Faith also means trusting that your gifts, your compassion, and your desire to help are needed now more than ever. Your willingness to serve, to show up for others in times of crisis, is itself a powerful act of faith. You are stepping into the role that has been uniquely designed for you, one that can uplift others and remind them that they are not alone.
For those rebuilding their lives and grappling with the loss of a home or livelihood, know that this is not the end but a new beginning. You have been given the gift of a blank canvas—a chance to rebuild not just your physical surroundings but also your inner world. Trust that the God has not forgotten you; in fact, you are being drawn closer, using this time of upheaval to shift into alignment with your true soul purpose. And to those standing ready to help, know that your hands, your presence, and your open heart are the answers to many silent prayers. Your support is the very embodiment of faith in action.
For those whose spirits are weary from the divisiveness of the world, and whether you've experienced loss directly or not, take heart. The noise of the outside world is just that—noise. When we quiet the external chaos and listen to the still, small voice within, we find the clarity and direction we seek. We are each called to something greater, and whether your path involves healing your own wounds or aiding others in theirs, the challenges you face today are stepping stones to a higher purpose.
Now is the time to lean into the faith that the vision you hold is not just a dream but a divine calling. Whether you are healing from your own pain or are called to support others in their healing, trust that the Divine is not only restoring but elevating you. Let go of what no longer serves you, forgive the past, and step boldly into the future that awaits.
Remember, faith is not just believing that life can be restored—it is trusting that it will be, and that the future is brighter than you ever dared to hope. Whether you are on the journey of rebuilding your own life or walking beside someone on theirs, know that you are not alone. You are held, guided, and loved. All you need to do is take the first step and trust that the next one will appear.
— Raileigh Duschen, Founder of Conscious Lifestyle Coaching LLC
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🌟Please check out my newly published book, “Phoenix Medicines— A Transformative Journey through Consciousness,” a collection of poetry, short stories, meditations, affirmations, and prayers. Special thanks to Otterpine. Available on Amazon and most online retailers.
🌟The Amazon Best-Seller, “Women Connected in Wisdom Vol II: Stories & Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness” is available in audiobook, ebook, and paperback.
Raileigh Duschen is a best-selling author and poet sharing her expertise on consciousness, alignment, and integrity. She is also the founder of Conscious Lifestyle Coaching, a sacred space for those on the paths of self-development, healing, and spirituality. She offers guidance through authentic embodiment and deep present awareness to catalyze significant lifestyle changes that align with higher vision, greater purpose, and life fulfillment.
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