When you are alone, that is when the greatest growth of your life is unfolding!

When I graduated college and moved to the mountains of Western North Carolina by myself it was one of the most scariest times of my life, but also the most liberating. I was broke and having no clue what was next for my life. All I knew was that I did not want to be a doctor, and I wanted to be a business owner. I wanted to heal, and I wanted to do it in the wilderness. At the time, I was hurting so much with depression and anxiety. I needed a change.
My friends at the time did not understand - many of them told me I was a horrible friend... and they were not wrong. I knew a lot of that was because when I am struggling I am most comfortable to hide deep within myself rather than ask for help. I hurt their feelings. I abandoned them trying to find myself.
On the outside looking in, it seemed I was a lost young girl who gave up on her dreams. But really what was happening, especially within me, was a great awakening and unraveling of all I thought I had to be and who I thought I was... to the real, true, and authentic me. I was offering sacred time and space for myself to heal, to listen to my heart, and strengthen my realtionship with God. It would turn out to be one of the most beautiful times of my life that transformed me to who I am today, and lead me to the success and abundance being bestowed upon me now.
In the years of isolation, I carried grief and pain. I worried, I cried, I hated God at times, and myself, for the choices I made. However, I entered a new dimension of life - one of great peace, delicious heirloom tomatoes, and fresh baked bread. I learned the medicinal power of plants, and the strength of a mountain-top bellow. I helped children in pain heal as we journeyed through the wilderness and slept at waterfalls. I learned the power of prayer, yoga, and meditation that would transfer into my business. I met business and spiritual mentors. I connected with my soul tribe. I found deep love within myself. I discovered my life purpose. I learned to cope with isolation. I would soon learn that my isolation would elevate my life.
I am here to remind you that when you are in your season of isolation and lonliness, you are not the first, or alone, in this journey. I promise you that there is divine purpose to this season, even if you can't see yet. Continue to trust and allow what is needed to transform your mind, clean your heart, and elevate your life. You will look back one day and be so thankful.
"The glory of the outcome is not what happens outside of you, but the revelations discovered within you." - Phoenix Medicines
Always for love,
Your Transformation Coach
Raileigh Duschen
Guiding those on the paths of self-development, healing, and spirituality
#lifepurpose #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #lifepath #healing #growth #introvert #hiking #homesteading #backpacking #wildernesstherapy
If you are in your season of isolation, please check out my book, Phoenix Medicines -- A Journey Through Consciousness. Purchase the ebook and leave a review here.
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