The Medicine Garden
Join us each week for a free group coaching call on Google Meet called The Medicine Garden. This is your opportunity to ask questions and receive while in a sacred space with others around the world who are on the journey with you. The Medicine Garden goes live every Tuesday at 7 pm ET. Email to RSVP and receive the link to Google Meet Conference Call
What others are saying:
"Thank you my Dear Divine Sister, for providing a space for connected souls to meet I'm grateful to have been led to such a powerful and safe space. You are truly a Beautiful Soul. SOURCE brought us together for a divine purpose and I'm honored to be on this leg of each other's journey together. You were authentic, loving and true! I'm proud of you and I love you!"
"During the ascension seminar, Raileigh offered priceless insight from her own spiritual journey in very beautiful ways. She dedicated a big block of time to encouraging, enlightening, and edifying attendees, as well as giving us time to share our own stories and insights. It was a good time to interact with others on similar paths. It was time well spent and I look forward to doing this again."
"Thank you Ms Duschen for speaking with me today I am so blessed and thankful to have spoken to you! I pray we are able to have a conversation again I feel very good after speaking with you and I am thankful god aligned me in this moment to speak with you, so thank you again truly! Have a blessed day!"
"I Look Forward to Building With you.. however you are willing.
I Am Glad that you KNOW, that; what you have provided for us with your presence your service and gifts, will be your harvest in which only our Universe can repay you..I Am Grateful, I Hug you tightly for the times when you needed it...I Am Glad you are stronger and wiser, an example for us ...But Im sorry that loving and protecting beautiful pure Souls has been non-existent to the point of war being waged on Love.. Now the truth is out, Love won.
Willing I Am Able to Honor You, As Your Honor Has Humbled Me..."